As my preteen has a deep love of origami, I asked a friend in our neighbourhood (who also loves origami and has a child the same age as mine) if she would help to sponsor an NSG Origami club in our city.
When she agreed, we were able to contact a local Japanese origami expert to come and share her talent with some local families in Richmond for our first event. We saw that our children and youth absolutely loved this event and inspired by this we have planned other events to have others in our community to share their origami creations and talents.
Although we struggled to find a suitable location to hold our events, we ended up finding a space in a Vancity bank community room. We were so thankful for the use of this space but it was a bit limiting in terms of the size of the group we could host; however, what seemed like a limitation ended up resulting in a smaller event where we have made connections with a smaller group of people- which also has its benefits.
This was a great way for families and youth to connect over a shared passion for origami.

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