Our event was themed around Canada’s 150th year celebration. The whole of Mitchell community came together to celebrate Canada’s 150th through cultural performances, art and food. We had people dress up in their cultural outfits or something that represented Canada. Everybody brought in food that represented their culture and we bought fresh fruit, drinks and red maple shaped cookies to go with the theme. The attendees enjoyed 6 different cultural performances, children (and adults) kept busy with a potting station and a craft station. The performance show was concluded with a cultural parade under two beautifully decorated flower arches where all the kids walked along the perimeter of the gym (the event was supposed to be outdoors but had to move indoors due to heavy rain). Each of the performers received a trophy. All the people left with big smiles. We are grateful to the Neighborhood Small Grants and the Vancouver Foundation for providing us the funding. Our event was a huge success and will remain as a lasting memory for years to come.

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