
The Neighbourhood Grants Committee (NGC) is the group of local volunteers who make decisions about how the NSG funding is distributed in their community. In this module, you will find guides and templates to support the Committee through the process of making granting decisions and distributing your NSG funds. You will find more resources connected to recruiting, orienting and setting up your NGC in Module 2: Neighbourhood Grants Committee Recruitment and Orientation.

5.1 Granting Decision-Making & 5.3 Granting Decision Follow Up

This PDF contains all the guides and foundational information you need to support Committee members through the process of making granting decisions and distributing funding.

Download Module 5 Guides (pdf)

5.1 Granting Decision-Making
5.1.1 Guide to the Granting Decision Process
5.1.2 Guide to NSG Decision-Making

5.3 Granting Decision Follow Up
5.3.1 Guide to Contacting Applicants
5.3.2 Guide to Engaging the NGC
5.3.3 Guide to Story Harvesting

5.2 Granting Decision-Making: Resources & Templates

Click on the links below to download each template. You can tailor the template to suit your needs – any text in peach are suggested places for you to customize the content.

5.2.1 Starting with Yes

This infographic was designed for Committee members as a visual reminder of the “start with yes” framework used to approve applications. Reviewing this at the beginning of the meetings or returning to it when a reminder is needed can be helpful in setting the tone for decision-making. You may even want to have it displayed somewhere visible during meetings.

Download Starting with Yes (pdf)

5.2.2 NGC Agreements Template

Before the decision-making begins it can be helpful to review whether all of the NGC members have signed the NGC Agreements. This is also a document you can choose to review at the first decision-making meeting or return to if there are any issues in the group process. If you have already customized this template for your area, remember to use the most updated version.

Download GC Agreements Template (Word)

5.2.3 Ways of Being Together Template

If you weren’t able to create intentions for the ways the NGC members want to work together as a group at their Orientation, the first decision-making meeting is a good time to do this. While the NGC Agreements are the larger expectations of Committee members, these are more about the process of the group itself. You may also want to review these at the first meeting or even have them displayed somewhere visible during meetings. If you have already customized this template for your area, remember to use the most updated version.

Download Ways of Being Together Template (Word)

5.2.4 Granting Guideline Checklist Template

This template provides a short checklist of the granting guidelines and can be used at meetings to review applications.

Download Granting Guideline Checklist Template (Word)

5.2.5 Template for Offering Additional Funding

NGCs who have the funds to do so may choose to offer extra funding to applicants that offer unique, creative or powerful ways of meeting the NSG goals of their community. This document includes a template email to send to applicants the Committee wishes to offer more funding and an amended budget template for them to fill out.

Download Template for Offering Additional Funding (Word)

5.4 Granting Decision Follow Up: Resources & Templates

Click on the links below to download each template. You can tailor the template to suit your needs – any text in peach are suggested places for you to customize the content.

5.4.1 Template Letter to Successful Grant Applicants (Word)

This template can be customized to send to the applicants of the projects that are successful, to let them know how much funding they will receive and the next steps in the process.

Download Template Letter to Successful Grant Applicants (Word)

5.4.2 Template Letter to Applicants of Declined Projects (Word)

This template can be customized to notify applicants whose applications have been unsuccessful and will not be funded. It can be helpful to provide some feedback to the applicants on why their grant was declined to help them be successful if they reapply in the future.

Download Template Letter to Applicants of Declined Projects (Word)

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Ready to bring your idea to life? Get started on your application today. You can always come back to your application later.

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