During the pandemic, more people were staying in their communities and visiting familiar trails and paths on routine walks. I wanted to engage with people in a way that was safe and would build a sense of community, not just with each other, but with our natural environment in a fun and novel way. I “planted” local flora and fauna field guides around local trails and paths and let people know to look for them on our local community Facebook page and on my Twitter and Instagram accounts. I heard stories of people hunting for these guides on our community page but also heard of people stumbling upon them in response to my request to tag #fieldguidefairy (with some removable tape on the guide). I hope that people found a sense of joy and connection in what was an otherwise stressful and anxious time during the early days of the pandemic. I know our family loved the experience of hiding these and we also learned more about our local environment during this project. It brought us so much joy and I hope it also brought some joy and connection to our community.
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