Purpose: To share stories of home and first nations and to connect the stories with all children, families.
Event details:
First Nations Traditional food tasting (bannock, local jam, salmon)
First Nations Storytelling
Crafts (beading) symbolizing the connection we have with nature
First Nations Singing Presentation
Book Reading/Availability
Poster for children/families to write out “what home means to them”
Language learning
Total time was approximately 1.5 hours
Very impactful to the parents that attended.
Approximately 25 attendees
(Slight difficulty was resolved just prior to event, as the main speaker got sick and a replacement was needed to be found. We advertised this in the event listing, and that may have turned a few people away due to the uncertainty. However, the replacement was a wonderful speaker from a local tribe who spoke and sang, which was a beautiful complement to the crafts and stories. Also shared personal insights and experiences to round out the event.)

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