What a year it has been with the pandemic and the heat wave we experienced at the end of June. Our Gardening project in our South Slope Neighbourhood brought us out of our houses and allowed us to connect with one another. It all began back in April when neighbours received their packets of seeds and picked up their soil. The re-connections with one another felt so rejuvenating as everyone came out of their houses with wheel barrows or buckets to scoop their soil back to their garden, planter boxes or pots. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the project.

One neighbour said “Thank you so much for providing us with soil and seeds to grow our own vegetable gardens. What a rewarding and fulfilling experience it has been.
I’ve been able to harvest 2 different types of kale and a variety of lettuce. The green beans are coming along nicely and the zucchini’s and tomatoes are getting bigger!”

Everyone continues to be eager to be outside for fresh air and most importantly, to watch the growth of their vegetables. Thank you so much to the R-NSG for providing us the much needed joy during these difficult times.
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