On Sunday, June 24th, neighbours from the Glenbrook Drive area of Richmond joined together for food and conversation. The weather was looking a little bit unsettled but the rain held off long enough for around 70 people to come out of their homes and join in on the fun.
Everyone brought some food to contribute to our gathering and M&M Meat Shops (Francis and Gilbert Road location) provided hamburgers and hot dogs. The kids played basketball on the street with some of the teenagers and young adults leading the charge. Some old friendships were joined and new ones were found.
At the end of the evening, one of the retired members of our community donated a painting of a Richmond landmark and asked that we gift it to another member of the community. I knew that there were some artists in the crowd and we chose another one to receive the gift.
The neighbourhood party was a wonderful way to connect neighbours. We overheard many conversations in which people were sharing their hobbies, their local business endeavours and information about crime prevention on our street. So many of them expressed gratitude for the ability to gather and get to know one another. There are many more friendly waves happening as we pass one another on the street. The Glenfriends Neighbourhood Party was a big success!

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