Thank you Sam and Neighborhood Small Grants!

We successfully held two Halloween costume maker jams on Sat 22nd and 28th of October at the Whistler Waldorf School Field House in Spruce Grove, Whistler. The jam was open to everyone – we had babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, elementary school students, high school students, moms, dads, friends and grandmas come along, with approximately 60 people taking part over 2 Saturdays.

Kids designed the poster, and participants wielded craft knives, glue guns, and paint brushes to craft costumes. They drove drills and sewing machines, folded paper and twisted wire to bring their creations to life. My favourite part was seeing the kids trusted to make what they wanted, the way they wanted – designing and adapting the materials. It may not always have been the most traditional or ‘best’ way, but it was the best for them, their vision, their learning, and their ownership of the process. I loved it.
Every penny of the $500 grant was spent on craft supplies and snacks to fuel the creativity, and the jam was so much fun. Tonight is Halloween, and I am looking forward to seeing the costumes in action ‘in the wild.’
We have vending machines, witches, zombie bananas, tombstones, princesses, koalas, devils, dark angels and good angels, ninjas, anime characters, knights, bats, wizards, wands and more.

Thank you for making it possible!

Nina Moore

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