Our Community grant project we did this summer in May 2019 was to bring a group of like minded people in the community together that was interested in crystal healing and or jewellery making. Our purpose of this workshop was to promote natural gemstones and the importance and benefits of it other than aesthetic appearance. BeaDazzle (bead store) was our community supporter where we purchased all of our beads from. We provided a free workshop to anyone who was interested in creating their own bracelet made out of gemstones ranging from amethyst to tigereye, etc. The purpose of giving each and everyone a chance to make their own bracelet is very special because we wanted them to take away with them a bracelet that that they created and could wear or use to improve their physical, emotional, and or spiritual healing. Whether it was intended for these purposes or not, it was a memorable and successful event because it brought us together to share our joy and company with one another.

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