Holding a vegan tasting to showcase and try delicious food as a step towards better health, a positive environmental footprint and compassion for animals.
Glad to see such a great turnout at the first VegTasting event, made possible by the Neighbourhood Small Grants project through the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House. Thank you NSG!!!!
We saw many surprised and impressed faces when tasting cheese & crackers, beef jerky, fishless fillets, beefless beef, BBQ Pork (Thai Lemon Chicken), Wack Forest Ham and many desserts (smores brownies, crispy treats, cookies and cheesecakes). The list goes on. Some foods were generously donated (Vogue Bakery, Pulse Kitchen, Blue Heron Creamery, Choices, Bonus Bakery, Susgrainable, Daiya Foods, Earth Island) which helped stretch the funds immensely. Couldn’t have done it without this wonderful Vancouver vegan community! Hope you try them out!! Many many thanks!!!
Check out the blog post link for what you ate and where to buy. Happy to hear your feedback on the event/food/venue. What would you have liked to see more of? Less of? This will help when we apply again next year! 🙂 https://vegtastings.wordpress.com/2019/07/30/first-vegtasting-event-a-su…
Anyone need help sourcing or buying food, let us know. We will make purchases and deliveries!! Also, we will be hosting documentaries about the plant-based lifestyle for better health, lower carbon footprint and animal welfare reasons. Let us know if this is of interest to you! Or we can send some recommendations. No pressure, no judgment. It’s small steps that starts with FOOD!!!!! So, yes….awesome vegan food will be served.
Hoping the South Van vegan community grows!
All the best!
Arthur & El
Follow us on Instagram @vegtastings

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