Labour Day Weekend in Merritt is Rodeo Weekend. This year we celebrated 62 years of Rodeo weekend celebrations. Merritt has suffered a devasting last couple of years with Covid, then fires then floods. Many homes were washed down the river, ranchland scorched beyond recognition and people needed a pick me up so I decided to revive the years old tradition of a street market in town on Labour Day Weekend. I hoped to bring families out, and everyone to have an enjoyable time, which is what it was. It started on Friday night with musical entertainment in town, then Saturday morning there was a Pancake Breakfast courtesy of our local Rotary, which was followed by our street market. We closed three blocks of town. One was our Farmers Market vendors, the next was entertainment, singers, dancers, drummers, an illusionist making balloon animals for the kids, and more vendors with an array of goods. The third block of town was our local Vintage Car Club and their beautiful cars. It was a great time, lots and lots of people came out, and the weather was perfect. After the street market closed you could carry on to the Rodeo grounds for an excellent show. On Sunday the Rodeo was on again along with our local Country Fair which showed hundreds of exhibits of local growing talent and skills. It was a perfect weekend.
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