It was a beautiful sunny day on October 4, 2015 at our neighborhood “Riverfront” park. I set up table cloths on a picnic table and laid out rocks on the ground nearby. We had every color of acrylic paint, paint brushes and smocks available for everyone to use. People were told they could choose from an assortment of river rocks that were in every different shape and size. After painting a rock, children were able to help themselves to a bag of chips, a juice box or water and a lollipop. Everyone was smiling!
We partnered with the Fraserlands Community Local Gardeners who were having their yearly picnic; ages ranged from small toddlers to elderly adults. The rocks were then placed in a nearby garden bed on display south of the playground for everyone to enjoy.
It was extremely touching to see our community come together to enjoy this event. I would like to thank you for making this happen. I would like this to remain a tradition for many years to come.

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