We decided to have a few get-togethers with the neighbours in our complex. Our summer BBQ went so well we wanted to continue. The cold and snowy winter did slow us down a little, but we were flexible and managed to have 3 gatherings. The first gathering was after our AGM at Champlain Heights Community Center; it was so nice to eat, drink and have yummy snacks and visit with each other in a warm place that was already rented out for our AGM. Then we invited people to one of our strata meetings and shared more laughs and food. We wanted to have another outdoor gathering, but with the cold weather and late snowfall, we had to hold off since many of our neighbours are seniors. We finished off with a complex Easter Egg hunt and had a wonderful time. The kids had fun,and the adults had just as much fun watching the festivities. Thank you for bringing us together again.

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