Our Holly Village neighborhood has always been one with love and care for each other. Before the pandemic, some families here would visit each other or hang out together all the time. After so many days’ “no-party”, “no big gathering,” BC has finally opened up a little bit for out-door activities and I would like to initiate something inspiring with my lovely neighbors.

We are really grateful for the grants and support of Richmond Cares & Richmond Gives! The event turned out a great success! 20 people from 7 families participated in this event of “Let’s roller-skate and paint!” on August 4. Everything happened was out door, and all participants fulfilled 3 missions and won the prizes:
1.Completed the trip by roller skating or biking or jogging from Hollymount to Steveston community playground,
2.Completed a drawing with the supplies sponsored by NSG and met at the destination booth,
3.Answered 3 quiz questions about Richmond city and Steveston community.

Everyone was inspired and excited. We encouraged each other, including the youngest kids, to complete the trip. With social distance, we had very pleasant talks, updated old friends and got to know new neighbors. While drawing something they saw that day, remembered from past or visioned for future, all kids took a moment to really see the surroundings. Most drawings are full of colors, love and inspiration. And finally the quiz about Richmond/Steveston facts enabled us to know more about our lovely home: population, average life expectancy, national historic sites, farm products, etc. Some participants found there were so many wonderful things about Richmond they had never known. And some told me they are so proud and lucky being a Richmond resident.

After the event, we still had some bottled drinking water left and we sent out them, on behalf of Richmond Cares & Richmond Gives, to our delivery men, garbage truck driver and collector, and those who needed them in the neighborhood.

As a project leader, I found my favorite part, other than the event itself, is my neighbors’ helping and supporting me all the way. I know all of them are busy with work and kids. But they are always there for me and each other. This event would never succeed without my neighbors and all participants. We look forward to our next adventure together!

Thank you so much again Richmond Cares & Richmond Gives!
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