For my Greenest City Neighbourhood Small Grant, I organized a spring workshop series for neighbours living in the neighbourhood around Wall Street Community Garden. I do not have a plot at the garden but I am friends with a few gardeners there and when I suggested I host my workshop at the garden the day of their work party, they welcomed it with open arms! My workshop was on worm composting. About 11 people came to create their own DIY worm composting buckets made from recycled buckets purchased on Craigslist. Worms were provided from my own bin and there was lots of discussion on how to care and love up the worms, what to feed our worm kin, how to use the amazing black gold “soil” in our garden or houseplants and lots more. I have only been worm composting for about 3 years but I have learned a lot in that time. I have also learned that you don’t have to be an expert to teach others how to do something. I realized by teaching this workshop that I actually know a lot more than I thought about worm composting and I think anybody should try out teaching a skill that they are passionate about to others because you learn a lot more about that skill by teaching others! Preceding my workshop, Jan Robinson who founded Wall Street community Garden over 25 years ago facilitated a walk about edible wild plants and weeds around the community garden. She had told me she wanted to do the walk so I thought it would be wonderful to host the two workshops on the same day to create a really fun day of gathering, teaching each other, great conversation and making new neighbour friends. It was a really fun time with kids and a diversity of neighbours dropping by throughout the afternoon. We had the workshop coincide with the garden’s work party so spirits were high with lots of people bustling around the garden and we somehow managed to stay dry as it only rained earlier in the morning and a little after the workshops were done. Thank you NSG for making this beautiful day of learning and gathering possible!
Here is the link to the album:

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