On July 25th, 2015 Tivoli Gardens Tenant Association held a Community BBQ. It was intended as a way for families who would not normally interact with each other to have the chance to do so, thereby forming stronger community bonds and new friendships.
We expected 100-120 people and we ended up with around 80 or so actually attending. The adults ranged in ages 20-60 and the children ranged in ages 2 months-12 years old. Most of the ethnic background was from various Central American countries but we also had Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Native and African.
We had burgers and hotdogs to eat as well as salads and drinks for everyone to share. There was Bocce ball for everyone to play and the kids had fun with their own bubbles to blow and chalk to get creative with. There was great music to dance to and everyone had a great time laughing, eating and busting out some secret dance moves.
For next year, some changes we would make would be:
Having a dedicated volunteer photographer and having a larger organizing and planning committee as two of our volunteers had emergency situations arise which prevented them participating fully.
Overall the event was a great success and it was amazing to see our community pull together and enjoy each other’s company! We look forward to making this a yearly event.

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