This year marked our street’s 15th annual block party. It has become an event that everyone looks forward to and plans to attend. We had nearly 100 people show up: old neighbours meeting new neighbours, babies meeting elders,and always good food and great music. Each family brings their signature dish and with the diversity of cultures it is an extraordinary potluck. This year our music was the local Marimba band that started at Brittania School when the members were just beginning high school and has continued for 10 years to create an engaging, dynamic sound that was a perfect fit for bringing our community together. Although the block party was a celebration of our street members efforts working and playing together during the past year, it was also a moment to remember the beloved neighbours who we have lost on our block. We commemorated their passing with a special planting in our traffic circle. As these plants flower and grow each season, our memories of these treasured people and their contribution to our community will be rekindled. Each year our street party brings the neighbours communications with each other closer. We use the block party as the time to refine our telelphone/email tree and to plan for the coming year’s projects whether it be a new planting in the park or new street signs. The block party forms the foundation of our strength and it serves to as a reminder of how lucky we feel to live here.

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