Families came down to our local community hall here in Sayward where all starters were set out with signs for what they were. As many didn’t have labels on them as they were not from a store. They sanitized and signed in. Grabbed a box and were asked to take one of each type. One family had no means to come pick up their plants. So I delivered to them at the end of the day.

100 plants and a box of potatoes were given out for all to take home and plant. With growing I hope they can add it to their dishes they have in their homes. Most were bought locally in Sayward. I had 40 starters plus a box of potatoes given to me for the families.
We had Tomato, potato, kale, zucchini, lavender, lemon thyme, mint 2 kinds, lemon balm, pepper, basil, cat nip, potatoes, broccoli and oregano.
Families were very thankful. And some said they always wanted to try growing different plants and this gave them the chance.
There were some success stories and some failures. Lessons were learned on where to or not to growing. Families were fed. Families shared with others their knowledge of growing, cooking and saving seeds for next year.

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