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This project went really well, it was full of challenges and has been rewarding to see it finished and watch people interact with it. Some main challenges and concerns of this project were regarding it's longevity. I have never had a piece permanently installed outdoors in a highly exposed area so I spent a lot of time doing what I could to ensure it's longevity via high quality paints, thorough prep and sealing it off the best I could so that the community can enjoy the piece for as long as possible. The next big challenge was the fence that was offered to display it couldn't hold the weight of the original size of mural I was planning so I made it smaller and more detailed as to not damage the structure. It took lot's of support from other community members to pull this off and I feel so fortunate to enjoy hearing people talk about it on the street, to see people engaging with it and to add whimsy to an otherwise plain zone. It was a wonderful experience to go through the process of creating this piece and to share it with the community, thank you again Community Futures for making projects like these happen!
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