Last year, I took on the challenge of revitalizing a section of my front yard near the sidewalk. This area had been plagued by Schaeffer beetles and often suffered damage from crows and raccoons. I decided to transform it from a typical lawn into a garden, focusing on water-wise and native plants, as well as those that attract beneficial insects and pollinators. 


This year, I organized a drop-in session to provide information to neighbors interested in undertaking similar transformations in their yards. To promote the workshop, I placed a sign in my garden and posted a message on the Nextdoor app for my community. The event took place on a sunny day from 11 AM to 1 PM in early June. I discussed the no-dig method of gardening, which involves using cardboard and soil. We examined my garden bed from the previous year and looked at the current beds I was converting with cardboard. We also talked about native plants, vegetable plants, and popular flowering species that attract pollinators. Additionally, I had a seed library, plant giveaways and cardboard available. I was pleased to welcome 18 participants throughout the day.  Thank you to the Association of Neighborhood Houses of BC for sponsoring this project!


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