After continuous rainy days, the Sun eventually broke out on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024. Here came an Outdoor Safety Workshop held at Elgin Hall in South Surrey.

This is the third workshop in the outdoor safety series. The first workshop on basic outdoor safety and the second on winter outdoor safety had received wide acclaim from the audience. This workshop focus on safety on the water. I invited Scout Leaders and Rovers of the 21st South Surrey Scouts to introduce the marine search and rescue, present marine rules and regulations, explain necessary planning and preparations before going onto the water, and demonstrate gears for water activities.

 48 people attended the workshop.   Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association recruited about 20 volunteers to help with reception, arena setup and taking down as well as translation since 1/3 of the participants can’t speak English. Ren’s Club Café kindly provided snacks at the costs.

After the workshop, a survey was conducted and 18 participants responded. The feedback was extremely positive. The overall satisfaction score is 5 out of 5.  The comments include that the contents of the workshop were very informative, speakers were very professional, gear demo helped understanding, and the workshop was well organized.  The areas that need to be improved includes that the arena was a little cold, food was a little short.  PPT need bigger sized letters to read. In terms of next workshop planning, 5 respondents want to hear more about First Aid training, 5 about more water safety knowledges, 3 about hiking safety, and 2 about cycling safety.

This was again a very successful event. Thanks to NSG for sponsoring me to organize this project.

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