In the autumn of 2021, I applied on behalf of a group of volunteers for a Neighbourhood Small Grant to build a book nook/staples pantry in the waterfront village of Cowichan Bay. We were delighted to be successful in our application. Wood was purchased and work began. However, to our dismay the wood that was bought was green and the framing began to warp. Work had to start anew, but volunteers were not eager to proceed until an expert carpenter, Tony Owen, came forward.

In the Spring of 2022, the structure was complete with cedar siding, glass doors, and paint to match the Maritime Centre, which graciously granted us permission to house the structure. We were over budget with unforeseen expenses, but some of us covered the costs. One half of the structure was for books and the other half for pantry items. Importantly, a large shelf was dedicated to children’s books.

The book nook/pantry continues to be a huge success down in the village. The community has been wonderful in keeping the pantry stocked, and it is well-used. The children’s bookshelf has been an enormous success, which is especially wonderful. It is not uncommon to see young boys and girls sitting on the ground next to the structure or in the portal simply reading.

The community remains grateful to the Neighbourhood Small Grants for their support. We have acknowledged this with a decal on the door of the structure.

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