Please note: The NSG application system will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable Saturday, March 15th from approximately 8:00am-8:45am PT. Read more here:

Our “recognizing student volunteers” party went off without a hitch! Several posters were put up in classrooms and at the “hangout” announcing a party date, June.20th, and extending an offer for each volunteer student to bring a friend. (hopefully encouraging more volunteers in the future) 

Upon entering the youth hangout each student was handed a numbered mask to wear and asked to sign the media release form. (many seemed to be over the top with excitement and we found it difficult to ensure everyone signed the form)

 The students from Mrs. Meredith’s career life education classes were thrilled to get together and be recognized for their hard work with pop, pizzas, cupcakes, and sundaes at the hangout in Lumby. Helium-filled balloons also filled the space to complete the party look! Games of billiards, pinball, and chit-chat sessions were in full swing, the jukebox playing, and of course, the highlight was the simplistic laughter and light-heartedness with a large group of teenagers! A game of musical chairs and a “ring around the pool table” was also a laughing success!

Due to Covid concerns, masks were mandatory, yet suited our purpose of using them to draw numbers for gifts and prizes. (each mask had a number attached to it) 

The Lumby Valley Times editor came and took a group photo for the newspaper, and we also took pictures to celebrate the occasion, link to Lumby Times.

Without the help of this incredible small grant, we would not have been able to have the simple down-home fun and excitement that was shared among so many students.

 With deep gratitude and sincere appreciation, we thank all of the sponsors for supporting this special occasion!

Project Leader: Melody Bosk

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