This group of newcomers approximately 25 have been meeting for weekly Tea / Coffee / Conversation and English class for some time. We took a break in June and did once a week “Walk and Talk” outings instead. The fourth outing, on June 24th, was bowling at Grandview Lanes. What a treat! Our other outings were low cost (bus tickets and snacks only). So having grant money was significant! We began by meeting earlier and rehearsing some English. Most of them learned and said this phrase: “I have never bowled before”. The staff at the bowling lanes were very helpful: getting everyone’s names on the score board, getting shoes for each one, getting coffee for the ones with walkers who couldn’t go upstairs (where are lanes were reserved). We laughed a lot! We shuffled players and played a second game. In favour of respecting their privacy, the photo I am submitting is of the scores rather than faces. If they have never bowled before and break 100, I wonder what they’ll do if they practice some more?!

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