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The Kalamalka Caring Klowns are therapeutic clowns who visit in the hospital, long term care facilities, take part in non-profit fundraisers, plus have fun in various parades. “Therapeutic clowns do not wear much makeup (the less the better) – as they are therapeutic – but they still wear the brightly coloured costumes,” said Doris Bensmiller. “There are therapeutic clowns worldwide helping bring some joy to the world of others.”

The Clowning for You Project was offered to teach individuals to become a caring (therapeutic) clown through a two-day weekend training workshop. Once trained a clown could go into a hospital, nursing home or other environment. They will be specially trained with listening skills, the psychology of laughter and about diversity issues and how to be inclusive of all people they may meet in their journey as a therapy clown. Therapeutic clowns educate the community regarding the benefits of laughter and foster community spirit through organized related community functions.

Doris (Bubbles) and Donna (Gizmo) gave the workshop and initiated several new clowns this August 2022. “We are very greatful to Community Foundation North Okanagan for giving us the funds to hold this workshop.”

Project Leader: Doris Bensmiller

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