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For this Cumberland project, community members were invited to a series of make art events leading up to the 2024 Victoria Day Parade. The make art days were for all ages and set out for anyone to create robot costumes or robot dolls/buddies out of recyclables (collected from residents and local businesses). These creations and their creators were then invited to walk and participate in the Victoria Day Parade!

The intention was for this project to act as an intergenerational connector and a fun way to actively participate in the parade. Although not the numbers I had originally planned for, the make art nights were immensely enjoyable and our small, but mighty group who walked in the parade (with floats and a decorated car), was a big hit! It was clear from many comments shared with us after the parade, that there is a strong interest for future events like this in Cumberland.

Plans are in motion to do this again, but a few tweaks could be applied, such as setting varied times that better fit residents’ schedules and hopefully reach a wider age range. Overall, it seems this type of project is an easy and effective way to build community in the village of Cumberland and I look forward to seeing how I can ensure that all ages & abilities feel welcome and comfortable to create together. Partnering with, and hosting it at youth, adult, and seniors’ programs in Cumberland could be a viable solution for next year. Stay tuned for 2025!

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