For my community yoga project I offered four yoga classes in my hometown of Prince Rupert. Two classes took place at our local community center, and two were outside on the lawn of a local church.
The community center classes were chair yoga. I spread the word by making a poster on Canva and posting in on Facebook on our local community bulletin board. We had 19 people come to the first class and 15 came to the second. It was a great turnout! I love that the participants had an opportunity to socialize and move their bodies. The majority of the people were senior citizens and they really enjoyed the class.
The church classes were offered to our local chapter of the Special Olympics. All athletes involved were invited to come, and we had two come to each class, along with their carers or family members. We had so much fun and learned a lot from one another! I hope to be able to continue working with this group on a regular basis.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to offer these community yoga classes. It gave me the opportunity to work with people who might not normally come to yoga classes in a studio. I learned that there are lots of spaces to host classes in our community, and that people want to come to classes and are able to when financial barriers are removed. I truly hope that I can continue to work with both of these populations!