for our first steps to our group teaching was to attain certain items we needed to make the cotton wood bud salve. one of the medicinal items we needed was natural bees wax, in the days of while the cotton wood buds were soaking in extra virgin olive oil we searched through google to find the bees wax to make our salve.. there was few health food stores which had the bees wax but was way too expensive to purchase a large volume of the bees wax … so I my self looked for bee colony keepers or honey farms and found a place in Lillooet B.C. that had raw honey combs they can sell and was exactly what we needed to make our cotton wood salves.. that was the main objective that gave us a lil trouble … other than that we were verily ready to make a salve in which it took only one day to make but several weeks to gather  the cotton wood buds which we picked in April n soaked in extra virgin olive oil for weeks to months until it was ready by the texture n color of extract in the mason jars we than heated a medium sized pot of oil with all ingredients which was cotton wood bud extract bees wax and olive oil until it became a thicker oil texture like a paste n we let cool until was workable with ladles to put our salve in containers n labeled them… thats the procedure we had used for thousands of years hence metal pots and containers or plastic but u can imagine this was a medicinal practice ive gained from my parents n from there parents they obtained knowledge from salish too coast salish teachings this was taught to our ppl for our survival of turtle island ….

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