Cree Street in Vancouver is very special. It is a 2-block uninterrupted street book-ended by T-intersections. It is very easy to get to know your neighbours if you put in the effort.

This was our 3rd annual Cree Street Block Party. The first challenge was choosing a date that worked well for all. Over the 3 years we came to realize that Labour Day was the day that most families were back from their summer travels and many would be home to get ready for school and work the next day. We planned the party over several months and took into consideration the neighbour’s diverse ages and interests. The two elements of the party were the food and the entertainment. Each year we do a pot luck and there is always an amazing spread of international cuisine. We rounded out the menu with part of the grant, by buying foods that would be suitable for special dietary restrictions. For the entertainment, this year we decided to hire West Coast Exotics. The reptiles were a hit with all, and many of the neighbours volunteered to hold and interact with the animals. Many expressed their joy and excitement with the experience and others commented on how it was a rare opportunity.

There were about 40 in attendance and here are some of the comments:

“Thank you for a great night.  We appreciate the hard work that went into organizing everything. The neighbours, good food and “creatures” made it so much fun.”

“It’s been 3 years of fine weather, food, conversation and fun with Cree St. neighbours; the photos say it all. We are so fortunate!”

We plan to apply for the grant again for our 4th year. Thank you Neighbourhood Small Grants!

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