On a sunny Saturday afternoon, The Haida Gwaii Queer & Trans Collective hosted a Pride Picnic for the communities of Haida Gwaii, and together we shared in a beautiful and meaningful event. Pride had not been historically marked in any significant way in Daajing Giids, so it was very exciting to see such a wonderful turnout, 2SLGBTQIA+ folks and allies alike. The day began with a blessing from a Haida elder, followed by the sharing of a 2 Spirit Haida legend and dance. Local queer and trans food vendors, performers and musicians were featured, and we held a toonie auction thanks to incredibly generous donations and volunteering. The picnic style day was perfect as we enjoyed sunshine, food and drinks, live musical performances, and had a blast with giant bubble making and the volunteer-made photo booth.  Folks could check out a number of posters on display that were created by collective members, and a “chill zone” was provided inside the venue. There was a community health/information booth set up, and a speech about the true meaning of Pride was given. The energy of the day was described as welcoming and warm, and we were grateful to hear folks found it to be intentional and accessible. 

We initially faced some discouraging challenges with funding, as the Village of Daajing Giids decided to not be involved in or support a Pride event. It is because of the Neighbourhood Small Grant, donations from local businesses and individuals, and the generosity of hard working volunteers that the event was a complete success.  We are so very grateful to the Vancouver Foundation for being a recipient of the NSG, for it helped to cover the fees charged by the Village Office for an indoor venue and pop-up tents so that we could ensure accessibility to all members of the community.  It also went towards supporting the Haida artists that performed, and a portion helped provide the poster making supplies. The feedback received from people at Pride and in the days that followed only provided further evidence of the desire and necessity for queer and trans spaces and events here on Haida Gwaii. More now than ever we need community and events that bring us together, so on behalf of the Haida Gwaii Queer & Trans Collective, Haawa (thank you) for supporting that.

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