A well-attended Emergency Preparedness Workshop was held at the Kin Hut at Departure Beach in Nanaimo, for Golden Oaks Crescent residents and friends in Nanaimo.
This event was the brainchild of Mrs. A. Schram and was organized by H. Sloos, with financial support from the Nanaimo Foundation’s Neighbourhood Small Grants program. The guest speaker was Mr. Evan Lloyd, Emergency Program Manager with the city of Nanaimo, who delivered an informative and practical presentation on how to prepare for a scenario of Natural disasters on Vancouver Island.

The audience was engaged and encouraged to ask questions and a plethora of handouts were available to people to take home and share with friends. “The strength of a community lies in the fact of knowing your neighbors, their strengths and expertise in a time of crisis”, and this workshop certainly contributed to creating this awareness.
Thanks to the Nanaimo Foundation and Neighborhood Small Grants for making this event a success!

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