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I was able to coordinate, along with the Kalamalka Highlanders Pipe Band, a visit almost every Thursday evening during June, July, August and part of September to a Senior’s Residence in Vernon.  This ranged from the Regency Retirement Complex to Assisted Living Facilities like Heritage Square and Seniors Residences such as Carrington Place and Coldstream Meadows.  The Band, as always, was well received, especially with the addition of ice cream!  For us, it is so rewarding to see the happiness on the faces of so many of our Senior Citizens!

It is hard to take photos of all our visits, as I am a member of the Band as well, but I have included a couple.  This first is at Vernon Restholm, the second at Heritage Square.

Thank you so much again for welcoming us as participants in this program.  The audience seems to love it, as do the members of the Band!

Project Leader: Sharon Morrison

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