First and foremost, thank you for enabling this to happen, we successfully brought together a passionate group of home brewers/those interested and learning, to share our projects, exchange feedback, and explore different brewing methods. The event was a fantastic opportunity for all of us to connect and showcase the diverse beverages we’ve been working on.

Our turnout was diverse, with 12 participants aged 35-78, diverse backgrounds and even a professional brewer from Switzerland that saw our flyer and joined us. This diversity contributed to a lively exchange of ideas and techniques, enriching our brewing community. Everyone had the chance to present their work, ranging from beers to ciders, and discuss the processes and innovations they’d employed over the past year.

One of the highlights of the event was sampling each other’s creations. We provided constructive feedback, discussing everything from fermentation times to flavor profiles, while also learning about new brewing methods. The exchange of ideas fostered a collaborative spirit that we all appreciated, making it a valuable learning experience.

We also faced some challenges, particularly related to weather and fire bans, which impacted our original plan of hosting the event outside. It was really difficult to finalize a date with other events going on and availability for people. In the end it was raining but we were able to cook outside on the woodfire oven and move inside. Despite these hurdles, we adapted and made the most of the situation, ensuring that the event still provided a warm and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

A significant improvement was the introduction of the jockey box, purchased with the grant. This equipment was a great asset, especially for members who did not have the ability to bottle their drinks. Thanks to the jockey box, they were still able to share their beverages, which added variety to the tasting sessions and gave everyone a chance to try new things.

Looking back, this event was a success built upon the comradery of the brewers. One of the coolest outcomes of this event was setting up a coop for purchasing grain. This will benefit everyone as it is hard to get ingredients in our little town. We are excited to continue working on new projects and look forward to another year of experimentation, innovation, and collaboration.

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