Please note: The NSG application system will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable Saturday, March 15th from approximately 8:00am-8:45am PT. Read more here:

Our goal was to engage Horseshoe Bay residents in caring for their neighbours, their neighbourhood and the local environment. Our event centred on a community clean-up that also included refreshments and displays and demonstrations of community resources such as: Blockwatch; NS Emergency Preparedness; BearAware; and Cool North Shore. The municipality provided gloves and garbage bags, and returned to pick up the garbage that was collected.
In spite of the day being wet and windy, about 50 local residents came out to clean up the neighbourhood, learn more about community stewardship, and connect with their neighbours. As many local residents met each other for the first time, lively discussions took place about the community, including ideas of how to celebrate Canada’s 150th in Horseshoe Bay. There has since been some follow-up on some of these ideas, and there will no doubt be more opportunities created to further this “community conversation”. Another outcome of the day was the creation of a Horseshoe Bay Neighbourhood Facebook page, which now is actively used by about 75 members to share information, exchange goods and services, and celebrate our neighbourhood!

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