Our first BC Trails day event in Halfmoon Bay turned out to be fairly successful with 21 participants.  I had hoped to see a younger group of volunteers participate but knowing the demographics of our area, I was not surprised to see mostly seniors arrive with their clippers and gloves. The venue was held at Coopers Green Park, with most of the volunteers working on a trail leading off the park into our Crown Land trail system. One exceptional younger volunteer cleared over 3/4 km, brushing salal, blackberries and ivy with his new battery powered trimmer.

The day was advertised over our local Facebook page and a sign was put up by the venue location. Two weeks later, the volunteers were invited to come back to the park and help with Ivy removal. They brought their friends and helped finish off our drinks and goodies. Over coffee this group decided to give themselves a name. They became the Halfmoon Bay Ivy Leaguers.  

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