Please note: The NSG application system will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable Saturday, March 15th from approximately 8:00am-8:45am PT. Read more here:

On approval from the City of Courtenay, and generous support from the Neighbourhood Small Grants, community residents of Sheraton/Cummings Rd organized to begin our project “Making Lerwick Forest Friendly To All”, a plan to increase knowledge, respect, and understanding for Lerwick Forest by reversing destructive trends and encouraging pride and ownership in this wonderful green space.

Our first endeavour found our resident construction guy John rebuilding a bench that the excited children of the area decorated with 20 hand prints, bugs, and flowers. Being located between two “up” hills on the greenway it has seen heavy use already.

The bench has been installed beside a Little Library containing environmental and relevant books. Built by Brent and decorated by Heather, the library is attached to a large log at a child’s height. Books are predominantly aimed at young people but incorporate all age-related literature. Featuring a “weekly quiz” whiteboard with space for visitor participation.

A Mason Bee condo, bat house, and birdhouses are ready to be erected nearby. A weekend workshop to construct and install the demonstration shelf for Fairy Lane suggesting things that would be better to decorate with (natural materials) is planned for late September.

The very dry summer has not been conducive to planting the native garden. Work will begin as soon as there is guaranteed moisture.

Submitted with thanks to NSG

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