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Gailakes’la, thank you for visiting the K’omox Valleys Medicine Wheel Memorial Garden. We honour and acknowledge the K’omoks Coastal Salish peoples, the original and rightful stewards, and traditional keepers of the Land of Plenty. We are grateful that this sacred space grows in the traditional unceded Territory of the K’omox First Nation.

The Medicine Wheel Memorial Garden is a safe space for all peoples of Turtle Island and beyond to come and honour the many Indigenous peoples lost too soon due to disastrous colonial practices that have devastated The First Peoples since the infiltration of white settlers upon their land. May this memorial become a sanctuary to honour the babies and children lost at the hands of the residential school system, their families, and the survivors walking with us – we welcome you to share your truth with us. May this space bring awareness and respect to all Murdered and Missing Indigenous Peoples, and be a place of peace for their families to heal. To those affected by the 60’s scoop and all affected by the countless forms of intergenerational and ongoing systemic traumas, we welcome you to sit with us and enjoy the medicines grown here. This is our pursuit of healing together and honouring those that had every right to a beautiful life. To the settlers and allies that stand with us in solidarity, thank you.

May the garden’s medicines and teachings be shared with our community to provide healing, and above all, a space to honour all Indigenous Peoples lost too soon.

Thank you to Lush Valley for providing this space and standing with us in a beautiful act of reconciliation and all of the volunteers that have dedicated their valuable time and energy with the project! A huge thank you to Comox Valley Community Foundation for the grant money that helped us bring artistic supplies so children could bring art and youthful energy to the space and tools and supplies for the garden!

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