The Monthly Mending Night has been a great success! I and my co-host each applied for funding from different organizations. Luckily, we were both successful which will contribute to the longevity of the project. We got together during the planning phase and determined what materials, resources, and supplies we would need. From there we divided tasks and prepping between the two of us. We ordered various different types of mending equipment such as Speed Weves, darning mushrooms, and latch hooks. We also ordered several reference books and lots of supplies such as threads, yarns, scissors, and needles. Attendees can come to mending night to learn or share their own skills. The monthly event is a skill share rather than instructional, although myself and my co-host are both available to support learning throughout the event. We have rented a low-cost space and advertise on local social media groups. We have hosted two evenings so far (November and December) and our next evening is set for early January. There has been a great response so far! Folks are excited to learn new mending skills, and also to get out of the house and socialize and meet new people. We are also offering a lending library style sign-out for equipment so that anyone who wants to practice at home is able to without having to invest in their own equipment!