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Project Leader: Lara Konkin

Our event was amazing!!! 

The kiddos and Adults had a great time and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. We were at max capacity and it was perfect. We planned a night at the movies and asked everyone in the community to contribute. We had donations from a few various different places in the neighbourhood and I think that is what help make it a success. Everyone had a part.

We had a magician as the opening act, follow by a neighbour hood wide scavenger hunt, then draw prizes and movie and a bonfire. Event was held on June 25ht so there was no fire ban and the restrictions had lifted to 50 people.

Popcorn Cotton Candy Slushies hotdog and waters

Tent was cover for the magician and set up for the movie screen.

Prize baskets and the principal of our community school.

Let me know if I can send you more info or pictures.

Thank you for the support next movie night is scheduled for August 6th

~Lara Konkin and the community of Lavington

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