The Mystic was a great success that came from the collaborative efforts of three properties to host a vibrant community event. Our primary goal was to create a space where neighbours could gather for a weekend of fun, connection, and celebration.

Planning The Mystic began a couple months in advance. One property was designated to host campers and parking. The second property was set up to host various lawn games, a dining area for shared meals, and a stage for evening performances. This required organizing equipment, coordinating food and supplies, and booking local performers for the entertainment lineup. The third property hosted workshops that attendees could drop into throughout the day, including a singing workshop.

Several challenges arose during the planning and execution phases. One major challenge was managing the budget. Since this was a free event, we initially faced a funding shortfall, which we overcame by applying for grants, sourcing donated supplies and getting resourceful.

Weather posed another potential challenge, so we arranged to open an indoor space to provide shelter in the heat. Additionally, we had to address neighbourhood concerns about noise levels. To solve this, we made agreements about what time the music would be turned off and invited other neighbours to call us if they had any concerns throughout the weekend.

The event was truly a community effort. Volunteers from the neighbourhood played a crucial role, from helping with setup and teardown to managing activities and assisting attendees. Many community members contributed by providing supplies and services for free. Performers and workshop instructors were sourced from within our community, showcasing local talent and expertise.

Organizing The Mystic taught us several valuable lessons. First, effective communication and detailed planning are essential for coordinating a collaborative event. We also learned the importance of community engagement. By involving local community members in the delivery of Mystic Picnic, we fostered a sense of ownership and pride in the event. This not only ensured the event’s success but also strengthened the bonds within our community.

The Mystic brought together neighbours for a weekend of fun, learning, and connection. It showcased the power of collaboration and community spirit, leaving us with stronger relationships and a renewed sense of unity. We look forward to building on this success and continuing to create meaningful experiences for our community in the future.

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