We hosted a Community Barbque for residents at the Antoinette Lodge, most of whom were Chinese seniors and the meal was catered to Chinese seniors taste. We barbequed 100 chicken legs in the gated front yard and set up all of the foods down in the community room where we had over 50 residents joining in to share a meal with each other. We helped serve up plates and even assisted those who were unable to help themselves. The event was very well received and more than one resident has approached Choi Ping to request another. Everything went smooth, right up to the delivery of prepared chinese dishes to the barbequing of the chicken legs and the clean up. No complaints from management. Our oldest resident was in her late 90s. This was a very well attended and well received event. We shot video of the event and have posted it on our youtube channel at this link: https://youtu.be/-oethvdblGw
To advertise the event we displayed 4 posters in the building and also let people know about the event at their bi weekly tea and coffee sessions.

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