It was a great opportunity to share the wonderful concept of Nonviolent Communication. It helps people having better understanding to their children, families, co-workers, and themselves. We have learned how to observe facts without judgment, feel emotions and express needs. We have been practicing together in person and online for one month. Our participants are seeing the changes at home and on themselves. For example, J, a mother with two young teens, said her younger son said he liked the way mommy talked now, it felt nice. A, mother with a 5 -year-old, and a 4 -year-old, said she now know how to listen to herself and take a pause before taking any actions toworkds her kids nagitivly. She not only became much calmer than before, but also learned how to quickly figure out her kids’ real needs. Better communication tool help people living better and stronger, it brings more positive energy to our society.

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