The event was hold in Erma Stephenson Park on August 29th .
More than 60 people took part in the event.
Most people were from ethnic Chinese. One person was from ethnic Korean, One person was from ethnic Vietnamese.
People were dancing and singing.
Some people went ethnic Dai dance. Some went ethnic Sinkiang dance. A dance, called “Cheongsam Show” was very attractive, which showed a kind of Chinese women tradition costume.
Some people sang a solo. Some people chorused. Most people sang Chinese songs. Some people sang English song in this event, Such as “You raise me up”. Most of people in the event are Chinese senior whose English are not good, but they like it. Many people like to learn singing English song after the event. They think this is a good way for immigrants to integrate into Canadian society.
People were very happy in the event. They played together. They exchanged together. They strengthened their friendship.

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