The event was a success in so many more ways than one – we had about 30+ people show up over the course of the day. People came together (who had never met) and collaborated in fixing, sharing what they knew to fix together – just as we had hoped for! There were two sewing machines for use as well as lots of sewing knowledge in the room – both machines and hand sew. There were a few folks who came and brought some tools – soldering irons, power drill, pliers, screwdriver etc and their fixer insight which was helpful as well. The best part, though, is that no-one needed to be an expert and it was a very safe and friendly learning environment. One of the participants told me how safe they felt, and how usually they would feel shy or overwhelmed and not want to interject in fixing because they worried they didn’t know anything but they felt safe to troubleshoot with others and figure it out together, and that also – it was okay to not know! There was some tea and snacks as well for folks. We also had an interpreter on sight however unfortunately the person who had requested it was unable to attend however we still felt good that it went that way versus the other way which was – to have someone feel left out because we didn’t have an ASL interpreter. All in all it was great! Our next one is planned for November 20, 11-2pm!

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