Thanks to the Neighborhood Small grant our first little book exchange library is now up and being enjoyed by the Hamilton community!

Hamilton is located in an isolated part of East Richmond. With few opportunities nearby for fresh reading material, and limited access to certain services during the pandemic, our “library” provides a place for neighbors to trade books and share their love of stories safely. Placed in McLean park, some residents have already made the library a part of their daily walks. When out for a walk or park visit my kids are now always excited to stop by, take a book, and leave their own books for other children in the community to enjoy.

The library was beautifully hand-crafted and installed by Jeff at Island Wood Shop Canada. Built to last and to withstand the weather, our library is both a functional and aesthetic addition to the park. With community volunteers to keep it clean and organized, we know that Hamilton will be enjoying this place to further a love of reading for years to come.

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