Our 2018 Imperial Drive Spring Dirt Party was a resounding success that attracted a large group of neighbours from Imperial, Alliance and Brunswick roads. We gathered at 4pm to plant flower baskets to hang in the pedestrian laneway that runs between the Imperial Drive cul de sac and the Railway-Moncton intersection. We also planted vegetable troughs with herbs and tomato seedlings for everyone to share. Two residents will be putting in a watering system this weekend to reduce the hassle of handwatering these plants over the summer.
After planting, everyone enjoyed ice cream, pizza (thank you for sponsoring, Panagos!), sushi and shared potluck dishes. There was lots of socializing, screams of joy from the kids and the warmth and camaraderie that comes with nurturing old relationships and fostering new ones. This event was all about working together for a common goal and getting to know one another. It was great to see neighbours take initiative and sponsor items to help enhance the event – from fertilizer to weed prevention material. Everyone agreed that we have a fabulous neighbourhood – one cultivated over many years of social engagement by encouraging people to venture beyond their front doors and build community. We just started a facebook page to keep our neighbourhood even more connected. Thanks for sponsoring, NSG, and making this all easy, possible and inspirational.

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