On November 14 & 15, the Jericho Area Invasive Species Education and Clean-up was held at the Jericho Hill Community Centre and surrounding grounds.
On November 14, former member of the Musqueam Stream Keepers, Terry Point, spoke to students of Pacific Spirit School and other community members (mostly parents) about the Jericho area’s ecological history. He talked about the changes the area has seen over time. After his talk, he led the group on a walk through the forest by Jericho beach, telling us how to identify plants and indicating some of the changes the area has experienced. Both the talk and the walk were resounding successes. Terry was hugely informative and entertaining.
The following day, community members met at the community centre and did a clean-up of the bushes and grounds. We saw the damage done to the area by litter and felt the satisfaction of seeing our immediate environment swept clean of garbage.

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