More than 20 young children between the ages of 6-15 performed, and over 40 adults were present to watch, listen and support the performers! Children performed by: Singing; playing piano, cello, and violin; reciting jokes, spooky stories, and riddles. The Kids Open Mic was structured in 3 different sets, based on age, in order to maximize participants and space.

Overall the event was a great success. Participants and observers demonstrated and voiced that they had a great experience. A definite highlight is hearing how some of the performers connected with each other, and are finding ways to play music with each other. There are no noted improvements for the event, other than the desire from the community for this to happen more regularly. I’ve received texts, emails, and in-person feedback on how much people appreciated this opportunity, including from a parent of a performer: “thank you again for putting that on! I think it is such a rich and meaningful experience for everyone to be a part of…the music, the nerves, the doubts, the bussing confidence…and all the feelings…for kids to witness other kids going through what they are feeling or have felt! Loved it! ❤️”

The owner of Spiral Cafe expressed her gratitude for the event, the joy of hearing kids play music, and encouraged me to think of hosting this event again, on a regular basis. Email from an observer: "Thank you for welcoming us to join your lovely open mic yesterday. It was really heartwarming to see the kids perform and how much everyone was enjoying it! I was grateful to give Liv an opportunity to see/hear other kids try their best and enjoy themselves while they did it. What a wonderful neighbourhood you live in and what a joyful music community you’ve created! Thank you!”

Much thanks for this grant!!! The VicWest Community LOVED it!!
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