Our project is an annual community bbq. The inspiration for the project is to help the community feel involved, meet the gardeners and, for those who want to, become member of the gardens. It is open to the public & we are located in a high traffic area due to the location of the skytrain. In order to try to deter people from uprooting and picking our plants as well as our beehives suffering from vandalism we chose to advertise within the community nearest the gardens as well as posting throughout the neighbourhood. The project was inspired by all the great gardeners in our community. Our high traffic garden is home to many – it is a great place to meet others.
Every year we get more and more people and we meet new community members. It is a way to get the names of people who are interested in joining the garden, to communicate our dedication to the gardens and to put faces to the people doing the work in the gardens. As well it is a good opportunity for the garden members to get together and talk about their successes in the garden. This year we had honey to sell from our local bees – what a treat! – and a lemonade stand donated by new neighbours across the street.

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