This past June, I entered the neighbourhood house small grant project with my proposal “Let’s Zumba”. My goal was to bring people together in the neighborhood and dance together. To meet new people, have fun, and do fitness exercises. At first, I was pretty nervous. I didn’t know if my proposal was attractive enough for me to obtain the grant. When opening the confirmation email, my heartbeat quickened. I had offered the grant! The planning unfolded. Making posters that were eye catching,  shopping the snacks for supplying the energy, and inviting a Zumba instructor to coach at the free workshop. Then, came the final day, the big day of the event. I was super excited with full expectation. However, when no one showed up at the very beginning, my palms started getting sweaty. “What am I going to do?” I thought with my heart thumping. A couple of minutes passed and people began to fill through the door. I finally became relaxed. The event was a blast! People were chatting with one another, enjoying the healthy snacks, and moving with the music! When it was all over, after I thanked the guest for coming, thanked the Zumba coach for her great work, I just stood there. In the middle of the hall. And smiled. I had organized my own event. Everything went well as I planned. It was perfect.

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